Who we are
Induction Christ Glory Church is a religious institution that was commissioned in the year 2012, which all began from Home Prayer Cells. Which all began at an exponential growth into the year 2015, with a total of Eight Home Cells; Seven in Bamenda and One in Yaounde at Mendong. Amidst the year 2018, the Servant of God Prophet M. N. Dieudonne met his Spiritual Father, Senior Prophet Jeremiah Omoto Fufeyin, the Tireless General Owomowomo 1 ...
Behind Regional Hospital
Bamenda, North West Region
+237 674 7040 32
Weekly Activities
Stay connected with our weekly activities.
Monday Morning
Prophetic, Deliverance and Anointing service.
Monday Evening
Operation Taketh it by force service.
Thursday Evening
Mid week service.
Friday Morning
One-on-One Couselling service with the man of God.
Sunday Morning
The Sunday Breakthrough Service with Prophet M. N. Dieudonne
Induction Community Updates
Join Induction Community to receive updates on weekly activities, crusades and healing services.
Spiritual Mediums
Watch and pray, lest you fall into temptation (Matt 26:40).

Annointed Pack
The Scriptures have demonstrated that, God can use any medium to express Himself.
Get an encounter with the annointed mediums ONLY available at Induction Christ Glory Church.
Through these mediums, so many testimonies are received about the signs and wonders, miracles,
deliverance and liberation experienced through the application of this spiritual mediums by faith.
Distance is not a barrier, get an encounter today and be transformed by the Blood of Jesus.